St. Ann's Degree & P.G. College for Women
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H.No.3-2-55/1, NFC Road, Mallapur, Hyderabad - 500076
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St. Ann’s Towards Community
Institutional Social Responsibility and Extension activities
The STC (St. Ann’s Towards Community) Project was started in 2008 with the establishment of Carlo Club. The objectives is to inculcate in students a sense of social responsibility. We realize that the purpose of education is not just preparing the students to earn a livelihood but more so to make them good citizens and above all good human beings. The project aims at making the concept “Service to God is service to humanity” a reality, and it ensures that the students go out of the portals of St. Ann’s College every year and reach out to those less fortunate and less privileged in the neighbourhood and society. While academic excellence remains the prime focus of the college, it also endeavours to give prominence to eternal values such as compassion, generosity, empathy, and sensitivity.
The establishment other clubs like GO-Green Club, GEOP Club, was initiated in the year 2014 and Health Club in the year 2018 with the objective of ensuring students responsibility towards Nature, technology illiterates, and health.
Report of the Carlo Club (Social Service Club) Activity 2018-19
The leaders of Carlo Club for the academic year 2018-19 - Miss. Nishitha (B. Com. III) and Miss. Swathi (B. Sc. III). Miss. Aishwarya from B. Com. II G was selected as the treasurer. A totalof 54 students from B. Com., B. Sc. And MBA have registered during this academic year 2018-19.
The Outreach programmes taken up for this year were:
On 30th August 2018 an initiative was taken up by the Carlo Club to motivate the students to raise funds Kerala Flood Relief Rs. 35000/- was raised and College donated Rs. 15,000/-. Total of Rs.50000/- was donated towards this cause.
On March 9th 2019 three staff members along with Twenty two students from B. Com and B. Sc., Visited “Home for the disabled” at Bansilalpet. Rs. 2837/- worth soaps, surf and toothpaste were given to the centre. Students were able to interact with the inmates for one hour. We returned home by 1 pm.
Another outreach programme was taken up by Carlo Club on 30th March 2019. Students contributed 200 kg rice, soaps, ant other toilet articles worth Rs. 15,000/- . Out of this 100kg rice saps, blankets etc were given to the ‘Friends of the Birds of the Air’ at Nagaram. (two Staff members) Mrs. Hepsi john donated Rs. 10,000/- towards fans and Mrs. Sridevi donated Rs. 1000/- to the same centre. Remaining 100kg rice and other items were given to ‘Shanti Sadan’ at Mallapur.
On 1st May 2019, the Principal, three staff members and some students visited ‘Sadhana- an institute for the Children with special Needs’ at Nacharam and donated Rs. 6000/- towards one day’s meals.
Report of the Carlo Club (Social Service Club) Activity 2017-18
The leaders of Carlo Club for this academic year - Miss. Usha (B. Com. III) and Miss. Ravali (B. Sc. III). New registration increased to a total of 112 students. November 19, 2017 - The ‘World Day of the Poor’. In view of this, the Carlo Club had invited 29 inmates from “Friends of the Birds of the Air”; 14 from the neighborhood and 10 children from “Shanti Sadan” to the college campus on 18th November 2017 at 1.30 pm and they were served lunch. Students entertained them with a short programme. Games were also conducted, the winners were given prizes. The Programme came to a close with the Correspondent distributing some snacks, soap trays and other items. Carlo Club contributed for 50 blankets and students contributed other items like bed sheets, soaps, detergents and stationary items. A total of Rs. 12580/- were spent towards the same event. On March 23, 2018, with the remaining amount of Rs. 5120/-, Provision like Rice-5kgs, Dhal 3kgs, and Oil -5litres each were given to 4 poor families from Mallapur
Report of the Carlo Club (Social Service Club) Activity 2016-17
Carlo Club has entered into its 9th year. This year the new registrations came up to a total of 52 students. On 2nd July 2016, Miss. Priyanka was chosen as the Leader and Miss. Zeba was the Assistant. They were honoured with a badge on 4th July during the installation ceremony. The Outreach programmes taken up during the academic year are: On 8th September 2016, the Carlo Club members, a total of 83 students along with three staff members Sr. Jasintha, Mrs. Hepsi and Mrs. Sravanthi visited the Home for the Disabled, at Bansilalpet. Rs. 1353/- worth toilet articles were given to them.
Carlo Club collected soaps shampoos, toothpaste, powder etc. from the students and were given to the orphanages. 32 children from two orphanages, Shanti Sadan of Mallapur and Bavitha of Moulali, were invited to the college on 10th Dec. 2016. Our students provided them with lunch, conducted some games and gave them prizes. Staff from both PG and UG contributed a sum of Rs.5650/- with which bed sheets and chocolates were distributed for all.
A fete was organized on 21st January and we were able to collect a sum of Rs. 22545/- of which Rs. 2800 was given for the event ‘Aroma -2017’. Keeping Rs. 5000 balance for the next year, balance amount was given for the treatment of Malavika, an inmate of Shanti Sadan, who is terminally ill.
Report of the Carlo Club (Social Service Club) Activity 2015-16
“What so ever you do to the least of the people you do it to God”. The above quotation was an inspiration to form a Social Service Club on November 15th 2008. It was named Carlo Club, after the Founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Ann of Providence. The tiny step taken in the year 2008 is now entering into the eighth year of its journey. Though the journey was tough, we always felt that, great things happen when God mixes with us. To be more precise, the club was able to grow into a huge tree, that is, the total number of members increasing to 91 from 11. During this year we were able to raise Rs.63686/- and were able to reach out to: Forty families with mats and bed sheets Two orphanages and a Home for the Disabled stationary items and provisions and cash Rs. 7340/- for their maintenance. On 16th Feb 2016, Mr. Solomon, who was unable to pay for the driving license, was given Rs. 3000/- . We continue our journey with hope, trying to spread the light of hope and brighten the lives of many needy ones. We thank God for His guidance and all the members who were part of this club in a small or big way.
​Go-Green Club Initiative
E-Waste and Solid Waste Management
E-Waste is hazardous to the environment and health of people and it needs to be recycled and disposed in appropriate ways. Other items like Plastic bottles, plastic bags, old clothes and home appliances occupy space and cause danger to surroundings. To protect the environment, the Institution has taken appropriate measures for E-Waste management and other waste management.
Efforts for Waste Management:
Signed a MOU with RECYKAL Company
Most of the e-waste of the College like non-working computers, monitors and printers are discarded and scrapped on a systematic basis and so also the other wastes like plastic bottles, plastic bags, paper, books, scrap, old home appliances, old clothes etc., and hand over to RECYKAL Company as and when gets accumulated.
Closed Space is provided in the College for accumulation of waste items like plastic bottles, plastic bags, paper, books, scrap, old home appliances and old clothes etc., collected from home and neighbourhood and arrangement for disposal of the same to RECYKAL company
E-waste collection drop box for collecting small sized electronic waste has been kept in the Computer Labs. Students and staff are regularly reminded to deposit e-waste into them.
Go-Green Club Initiative
Eco-Friendly Campus: The Institution is aware of its social responsibility and makes special efforts to inculcate environmental consciousness amongst its students. To make students, stakeholders and society, conscious about the Environment, its protection, conservation and sustenance, the institution takes the responsibility
To conserve and environment through various activities like Clean and Green drive, no-plastic campaigns etc.
Participation in Haritha Haram programme of the Government and planting new plants in the College campus.
Staff has taken a promise to maintain plastic free ambience in the staff room.
Support staff put their sincere efforts to keep the College premises clean and green always.
GEOP Club Initiative
An extension activity- “Mobile Phone Scams” was conducted by our Degree Students with the assistance of two Faculty members, Mrs. Vimala and Mrs. Neha. They spread awareness of “mobile phone scams” among house wives in the nearby locality.
Health club Initiative
An awareness workshop on “ Sexual Harassment against women at workplaces” ( Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal ) Act 2013 was conducted for Recruited students of Final year Degree and MBA by Mrs. Varsh Bhargavi, Gender Trainer and Mrs. M. Mandakini, High Court Lawyer. The workshop helped students to prepare themselves to face their future with courage and confidence and also to tackle challenges they might face in their workplaces.
"Kanti Velugu" an eye checkup camp was arranged in the campus in association with the Govt. of Telangana in the year 2018.
GHMC authorities conducted a quiz contest to bring awareness among students on prevention and control of Dengue, Malaria and vector-borne diseases. Students showed keenness and eagerness in downloading the app and partaking in the quiz.