St. Ann's Degree & P.G. College for Women
Approved by AICTE,
H.No.3-2-55/1, NFC Road, Mallapur,
Hyderabad - 500076
Ph :040 27170257,9492030961
Email ID: stanns1206@gmail.com

Women Protection Cell (WPC)–Yuvaika
Empower to Think Safe, Act Safe and Be safe
Committee Members (P.G.)
S.No Names Designation
1 Dr. DVS Shilpa Coordinator
2 Mrs. Sai Sudha Member
3 Students Council Members
Committee Members (U.G.)
S.No Names Designation
1 Mrs. P.V. Tejasree Coordinator
2 Mrs. Varalakshmi Member
3 Mrs. Swetha Gupta Member
4 Student Representatives
Objectives of the cell
To uphold the dignity of women at St. Ann’s Degree and PG College for women, Mallapur.
To create awareness among female Students and Staff members the knowledge of their Legal rights through Guest lectures
To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around the College campus.
Activities organized
Awareness programs on Women Safety
Guest lectures on Women Empowerment
Arrange Life skills Program
Activities to promote a culture of respect and equality for female gender.